Friday, August 7, 2009

Le Sigh...

Well, as pretty much everyone now knows, Shane and I are in ENGAGED!!

We couldn't be more thrilled with the ecstatic response from friends and family. It's much appreciated.

I decided to make this blog because I had an overwhelming amount of people ask to be kept 'in-the-know'. So now I can keep everyone who'd like to be updated- well...updated. Just bookmark this page and check back here for details as they grow in number, because believe me, they will. :)

As for the proposal everyone keeps asking about, it goes something like this (this is the LONG version so sit back and relax...or just scroll down a ways if you're feeling antsy...):

It was a warm and fuzzy day (
August 5th, 2009) around 10:30am when my boyfriend, Shane, arrived to snatch me away from home for an 8-month anniversary mini-hike. A few days prior, he'd suggested Bridal Veil Falls since we hadn't been there in a while and it was supposed to be a gorgeous day.

I, being a woman, of course was not ready to go when I answered the door.

Side note: I am gravely afraid of spiders. My whole body reacts; freezes up and I am so revolted at even the notion of taking a step closer when I'm near one, it sends me into panic mode. Anyone who's been to my house during spider season (a.k.a summer) knows why. I'm not talking about little baby itty-bitty spidey's. I'm talking half-the-size-of-my-fist hairy monstrosities that for the most part scramble about the dark places of my house at 15 miles an hour. Every now and then I will find one in my bathroom sink or shower because APPARENTLY they're harvesting water. Like they can't do that outside??? I personally think they're trying to give me a heart attack. Jerks.]

See, I had woken up at 8am that morning in order to be ready for Shane when he arrived at 10. (He's usually a little late though so I knew I had some padding for putzing around a bit.) I went about my morning routine, letting Saide outside and feeding her, wiping sleepies out of my eyes, etc. When she came back inside I prepared myself for a shower. When I walked into the bathroom, what else could I find in my sink besides the cutest, fuzziest, sickeningly grossest spider ever just hanging out. It's whole span covered the drain hole. Ew.

So I did what most girls would do and freaked out like a five-year-old and got the H-E double hockey sticks out of there. I text Shane immediately to tell him about Little Miss Muffet's *BFF conveniently hanging out where all my bathroom amenities were. He responded about an hour later saying he'd kill it when he got to my house.

Yes, I'm a big baby, I'm aware of this.

An hour and 2 episodes of The Secret Life of an American Teenager later, Shane arrived all smiles and gorgeousness that he is, to find me frumpy, still in sweatpants and a tank top, hair a complete mess with morning breath to boot. He hugged me tightly and said "Wow, guess it doesn't matter that I'm late."

Insert dry stare here.

Ready to be done with the spider I promptly ushered him downstairs to the bathroom (I had checked about 8 times to see if it was still there before Shane even got to my house. It was.) to kill my morning nemesis. He was surprised by the size of it like everyone who sees them for the first time at my house is. I retreated back to the safety of my room while he smooshed it reeeeeal good.

Fast forwarding, I took an hour to get ready. I kept finding things I "needed" to do. Looking back now, I realize why he was being so impatient with me. "Hurry up and go take your shower!!" He'd said it more than once while he'd been flipping through the channels on my TV.

The drive to Bridal Veil Falls was wonderful. The sun was out in full force and shining over all the beauty the Gorge has to offer. We talked and joked about this or that. Stopped at Jack in the Box for lunch...had their taco's I haven't had in a few years. (Bad Krista, bad! ...but they're SO GOOD!!!) Made a wrong turn once we took the exit off the freeway. Remembered how NOT to get there from a previous experience.

Finally got to the grassy field where we parked and got out of the car- Shane grabbing his backpack. I thought that was weird so I asked, "Why're you bringing that?"

He looked at me with a weird look and said "To carry the water bottles." I told him they're not
that heavy and he just shrugged and closed the trunk.

Hand in hand we walked toward the entrance of the trail leading down to the waterfall.

For those who have not been there, there are two trails. One trail goes to the left and is about a 1/2 mile loop that brings you back to the parking lot and the other trail is 2/3 of a mile forward and goes downward (a little steep in some parts) to the falls. Last time we'd been there with Brittany...

(Maids of honor #1 & #2: Brittany & Amanda. Yes. MaidS of Honor.)

...we hadn't taken the road less traveled so we took the 1/2 mile lo
op to see what there was to see.

The trail isn't much, just a windy "loop" that zig-zags at random and brings you close to the edge of the cliff that overlooks the freeway- as well as an amazing view of the Gorge. Great for pictures.

As we came back around to the parking lot we headed for the next trail. I'd worn flip-flops forgetting how much of the trail was gravel and dirt and just how steep the slope was. Almost fell twice. Yay me. Shane was patient as he always is with me and held me steady. On our way down an older woman stopped us on her way up and said to be careful not to fall off the edge. We said we'd be careful. She said she'd put glue on the hands of the kids she came with. ......... O_o ??? Again, we said we'd be careful and kept going. She kept talking but walked up the hill away from us. We laughed and poked fun at her strange warning.

Again for those who haven't been to Bridal Veil, I strongly recommend it if you value the beauty of the outdoors. It's a very short hike but it's amazingly beautiful once you get to the bottom and very worth seeing. You know you're near the end when you reach a thick cement staircase, complete with railing. (Slippery when wet though, so be careful!!) From there you can see a wooden bridge that covers a creek that flows all the way down to the Columbia River. Around the area you can see slight signs that the area was once occupied by man. Gigantic, bent, old nails are pretty common on the ground on the other side of the bridge. A cement wall retains the creek on either side of it, left side of the bridge, a few posts still stand where they once held...something? Scaffolding maybe? Not really sure.

Either way, when you get to the middle of the bridge look to your right and you will see a giant rock and behind it, you begin to see the tail of the waterfall from around a corner. To top all of it off there is enough tree cover that the sunlight spills through any crevice it can find; shines through onto the water and the rocks making everything sparkle. It creates a very serene, picturesque scene for those that venture to find it.

Once over the bridge Shane noticed a group of about six Asians (tourists maybe?) taking a billion pictures at the lookout point we were headed to. You know how us Asians and our cameras are. ;) Hehe. So we climbed the little hill and waited by the path that led down to the giant rock. Took a few pictures while we waited. Another older couple went up to the platform and eventually the camera-happy group dispersed.

Shane and I made our way up to wait our turn. We walked onto the platform that hangs over the flowing creek, facing the falls. It. Is. Awesome.

[NOTE: These pictures don't even do the place justice one bit!!]

The other couple stayed for a few minutes then left. Shane pulled me into a hug and kissed my nose as soon as they were gone.

At this point it gets a little blurry. I was so wrapped up in the moment. He said, "You know how much I love you and want to be with you the rest of my life." And then something about kids? And love? And mooshy-moosh lovey-dove tummy-fuzzies. Heh. Honestly, it was very sweet- I really, really wish now I could remember his speech!!

Anyway he followed that up with, "I know how much you like surprises so turn around and count to seven. Or...make that ten."

And right at that moment a gangly, awkwardly tall teenager came bounding up the steps onto the platform as Shane let go of me. The teen, completely oblivious to us leaned against the wooden railing to check out the waterfall. Feeling awkward, I went to the other side of the platform to inspect some names that had been carved into the wood. That lasted about five minutes. When the kid left, I turned around like Shane had asked. I didn't count to ten because I know him well and knew he'd just tell me when to turn around. And he did.

When I turned around I was momentarily confused, not seeing him. A split-second later I glanced downward to see my loving boyfriend on his knee, holding a little open gray box with something really freaking shiney pointed towards me.

"Will you marry me?" His face was expectant, slightly nervous.

Flabbergasted, I ran to him and said "Are you
kidding me??" While throwing my arms around him, still kneeling on the ground, I told his ear, yes. :)

And he hugged and kissed me. The end.

Just kidding. The whole way back up the path to the car I huffed and puffed and was all sweaty from hiking in the sun. I'm not sure why but I was embarrassed with my appearance given the circumstances. I took a picture of the ring on my hand with my phone and text it to a few people. Then more people. Then more. Honestly, if you didn't get a picture text from me, I apologize. I wasn't really thinking all that clearly at the time. Hopefully I told you though. :/ Mom called me and freaked out, half screaming in my ear.

That night he made me a dinner consisting of pork chops, asparagus, and tater tots. Because we're classy and love us some tater tots! We dressed up fancy, and ate our food by candlelight. It was wonderful and silly all in one. I can't even begin to express my feelings in words about that night. Part of me laughed inside at how grown up we are becoming and how strange it feels. It felt like we were playing House like most of us did when we were children. But when he stared at me across the table in the dim light, and gave me a small smile my heart flipped and I felt, for maybe the first time, my age.

* For those who didn't know...
As mentioned earlier: BFF = Best Friend Forever